Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can't Wait Until...

I can sit here

and enjoy some of these.

and this too!

I have a long ways to go, but a girl can dream, can't she?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Up to my Eyeballs

In glitter!

Just the way I like it.

Since this girl decided to leave me for better things
(like college...)
I decided I needed to get my act together and send some love letters her way.

I added some treats

 a sweet "love" diary, some black cherry soda, valentine marshmallows, a pretty necklace, some cupcakes

 topped it off with a special valentine,

and called it a day. 

One very sweet day.
Hope you enjoyed your day my sweet girlie.  We missed you tonight.

But we couldn't stop there...
I found these on pinterest. 
Thought it was the perfect valentine for my Little Fireman, who is now obsessed with all things from WWII.

36 "love bombs" later, we were done.
(And incidentally, after making all 36 of them, I wondered if these babies would make it through the school day without getting him expelled.

I chanced it.
And no phone calls from the principal.
Thank goodness) 

Hope your day was filled to the brim with loads of sweetness. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hope your day is...

filled with love and loads of flowers!

Happy Valentine's Day!