is a small world, afterall.
About a month ago, I decided to host a party to treat the ladies at our church.
A pink party.
A "Just Because" party.
I recruited some people to do the inviting for me.
Anyone and Everyone.
(Our church has been growing, time for us to have some fun and meet everyone)
And they came.
My mom and our friends were fabulous with their contributions of cookies.
Swoon-worthy, in fact.
My mom had been talking about a friend of hers that I had to meet.
As the friend was leaving the party, she mentioned something about her blog.
And garage sales.
Sure enough.
Debbie and I had already met.
It is a small world after all!
I had trouble getting all my pictures to load. Truth is, I ALWAYS have trouble with computer things. I have heard I have compatability issues. I have no clue what compatability issues even are. It makes my head hurt to even think about it. I usually just call Lib, and she straightens everything out for me.
Lib. Where are you? Answer your phone, I have a couple problems!!!
(K, maybe a lot of problems...)
But I will try and be back with more pictures. Just looking at them makes me want to have another party.