Thursday, March 25, 2010


It's been one of those weeks.  I am fairly certain I need one of those.

Or maybe two.

Or maybe try them all.
(That's actually what I did...)

Want to share with me?

Friday is the first day of spring break for my kids.  I promised them a week of uninterrupted kid time. 

(Translate to no blogging...)

I look forward to catching up with you when the kids are back in school.  I will miss you all, my friends!

I wish you and your families a very Happy Easter and remember, 

He is Risen!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday Faves IV

My Friday Faves today?


Circles here...

Circles there...

Circles, circles everywhere!

Thanks Karyn!!!  Beautiful!

Have a circular weekend, my friends!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Hunting We Will Go!

When the Doyle's showed up on our doorstep last night, these Irish kids couldn't wait to get hunting for leprechauns! 

They all wore cammo so the leprechauns wouldn't see them coming.  Of course, they all had to have hats!

The garden seemed to have a lot of leprechaun visitors...

What did they find?
Why, treasures, of course!

My yard was very busy last night!  Even Bo got in on the action.  He kept saying, "I tink I tound tome-ting!"  Translation, "I think I found something!"

(One day this boy is going to be very mad at me.  In the mean time, I love those suspenders!!!)
I think this was about the time Annie yelled, "Quiet!  We have to be quiet so we can catch some leprechauns instead of this junky old paper!"

Luckily, the boys know who's the boss by now...

And this new leprechaun trap showed up on my doorstep.  Lib and I can't quite figure out how it works, but the kids worked on it for a very long time.  I do know that the ripped up plastic cup is an integral part of the entire trap.  
Be careful if you come over today!

Then inside for some green treats!  (It's amazing what you can make green...)
Then off to bed...
This poor boy has been planning to sleep on the couch with a butterfly net to catch the leprechauns for weeks now.  Too bad he just couldn't stay awake for it!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from
Twitchie McPixie!
(my leprechaun name, of course.)

A Hunting Trip

Tonight, this boy is going hunting...
All by himself.

For what you ask?

Well let me show you...
 (But first I will turn off the night vision goggles...)

Here's his hunting outfit.

Green shirt, suspenders, lucky socks and one very green hat.

And his hunting equipment?
One butterfly net, some night vision goggles, and some very minty Hershey's Kisses for a snack.

And just what is he searching for?

A pot of gold, of course!

Or some leprechaun memorabilia perhaps.  Maybe some gold coins?

By the way, in case he were to fall asleep on this hunting trip, we have a back-up plan.

One leprechaun trap!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Aunt Nellie's Shoes

When my Great Aunt Nellie passed away, I was lucky enough to receive some of her beautiful shoes.  She was a secretary to the president of a major department store in the 1940's and a very glamorous lady.  I adore her beautiful shoes and in honor of her, don't you think I really need to start a vintage shoe collection?

Hope your Monday shoes are this beautiful!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Faves

This week has been crazy busy, I didn't get the faves I really wanted.   You will have to settle for my favorite
Meet my ladies...

While attempting this little photo shoot, I realized one thing.  It is difficult to get good pictures of your girls at breakfast time...

I tended to get the wrong end!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


It's a M A R C H I N G kind of day today!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Monday

Sending you a bouquet of flowers, hoping your Monday is a happy one!
photo courtesy of Google Images and blog26          

Anyone Know How To...

Get rid of an unwanted follower?  I seem to have acquired a follower that I would rather not have as it contains child pornography.  I have no clue how to get rid of them.  I have contacted blogger but haven't hear a word yet.  Any ideas?

Thanks for your instructions, I will leave your comments up in the event that anyone else has the same problem!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Favorites

My favorite colors.

I love the color of...

Meyer lemon curd

Fresh baking

Vitamin C

 Sunlight on my pantry shelves


A good book

 And my ultimate favorite?
  The color of baby girls.

Enjoy your weekend!